Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spring on the Little Farm!

It's here! It's really, truly, actually here! Spring! The grass is so green it makes my eyes hurt; the trees have little leaves fluttering on them; the bleeding hearts (these are flowers) are hanging from their branches. It is good!

I thought you might like to see what things are looking like around The Little Farm these days. You're only going to see the outside of the Farm...inside the farmhouse is, well, a bit messy.

Here's the garden and new chicken spread. In the foreground, is the blooming cherry tree. Next is the garden and the bright green spot beyond that is the chicken tractor.

Another look at the garden. The house is in the back.

We just moved the chicken coop to it's new spot and Farmer Ron made a yard for them out of a roll of chicken wire. We needed to get them out of the garden for a while because we planted seeds (lettuces, spinach, chard and other greens) today and they would tear the ground to pieces.

The gals enjoying their new digs. We are getting 4 eggs a day, for the most part. Today we cracked open our first double yolker.

There are even green things poking up in the garden: rhubarb, raspberry bushes and sugar snap peas!

Isn't it exciting? I know some of you live in places where you've already been eating food from your'll just have to indulge me and my enthusiasm. I can't wait to eat some greens and peas!

Farmer Ron and Zach, our Little Farmer, spent some time getting a few more plots ready for our tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Looking good! I'm still "constructing" our garden. I'm going to try for 3 4X4 plots. Found some wood boards via curbside shopping but I'm kind of nervous about using pressure treated wood. Also going to try to grow herbs in raingutter planters.

  2. Wow, that's what I call a farming operation! It looks so organized and ready to go. And the hens look happy. The farmer plants the seeds, and God brings the bounty!

  3. Your plots look great Matt! Pressured treated wood...hope you don't all grow a third ear or something. :)
